Swank Gold Tone Bamboo and Pearl Cuffs

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I don’t use these very much, even though they are really swell looking cuffs.

They just demand that special occasion. Like when I’m going for a game of poker with some Italian mobsters.

Men prefer Swank. Of course, we do.


Swank Pink and Black Disk Cuffs

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A vintage pair by Swank, that looks like they could have been made today. Which makes them kind of dull, unfortunately.


Swank Geometric Steel Cufflinks

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Cool ones. Geometric steel cufflinks by Swank.


Swank Initial E Cuffs

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Well, of course I had to get these initial «E» cufflinks.

Made by Swank.


Swank Fleur De Lis Cuffs

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Swank Inc were incorporated on April 17, 1936. When cufflinks peaked in the 1960’s they were making 12 million a year.
