Blue Splattered Paint Tie

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Wow. Wow! WOW!

I think this is my number one favorite. Isn’t it just AMAZING?

How can anyone make such an awesome tie and not put a label on it? Unbelievable.

Every time I wear this (and I have to really struggle not to wear it EVERY TIME I go out), I get a lot of comments and compliments. Of course.

Not very skinny, but that’s ok: 6,5 cm.


Sergio Valente Blue Tiger Print Tie

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A terrific eighties new wave, blue tiger print skinny tie by Sergio Valente.

Totally cool.

Skinny: 5,6 cm.


Honolulu Rapid Transit Token Cufflinks


Are these cool or what?? My all time favorite cuffs.

I wear these EVERY time I go to my favorite bar: The Aku Aku Tiki Bar, which happen to be just 30 meters from my building. How convenient.


Mother of Pearl Monogram E Cufflinks

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Of course, with the letter E as monogram, I had to have these babies. Very cool, amazing vintage stuff.

They snap together in the middle and are identical on both sides.


Jordache Red Eighties Skinny Tie

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Another great Jordache find: a cool, bright red new wave eighties skinny tie. Awesome!

Skinny: 5 cm.


Apache Wool Square End

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The Apache (Original) Cravat Feather Weight. Cool!

The rest of the label says: «All Wool - Hand Loomed. Apache Hand Loomed Product. Albuquerque, N. Mexico.»

Purchased at The Indian Arts of Taos and Scottsdale.

Very Skinny: 3,6 cm.

I purchased the tie from Dapper Dean at From their description of this tie:

The gentleman who wears the tie:
Bobby Darin (May 14, 1936-December 20, 1973), born Walden Robert Perciville Cassotto, was a two-time Grammy award-winning American singer, Oscar-nominated actor and accomplished musician. Darin performed widely in a range of music genres, including pop, rock, jazz, folk and country. A man and tie of variety. Day time or night out, rock out or grovin, one tie.


Wembley Striped and Banded Square End

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A nice square end by Wembley, made of wool.

A little bit wide (for a square end): 5 cm.

I purchased the tie from Dapper Dean at From their description of this tie:

The gentleman who wears the tie:
Dapper Dean (est. winter of 2011) is the ideal perception of oneself in dress, appearance, or bearing. Man or woman should not limit the opportunity to arrive proper. It's time to bring it back to the basics and simple life. Do you own a grey suit? Cause this tie would a great companion.

Shiny Red Motif Skinny Tie

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A beautiful, bright, shiny red skinny tie with a gorgeous, two-sided geometric texture and a nice motif.

Almost too nice, with that bright red color...

Skinny: 4,7 cm.


Beau Brummell Brown Striped Skinny Tie

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A very nice skinny tie with great colors.

Diagonal stripes are of course very conventional, but this is kind of interesting.

Purchased at Geisler’s of Lafayette, Indiana.

Nice’n’skinny: 4,5 cm.


Mancunian Teddy Bear With Broken Arm Tie

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What a find! This is one of my absolute favorites.

Terrific motif: A teddy bear with a broken arm in a sling, greeting you - or is he calling out for help or sympathy?

Eighties or nineties?

I wear this one all the time, even though it is rather wide: 7,6 cm.


Puccini Brown Wide Tie

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I truly seventies wide tie with a funky geometric pattern.

But of course way to wide for me to dare wearing it...

Wiiiide: 10,5 cm.


Scot Ties Multicolor Wide Wool Tie

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I fell in love with the colors and the fabric on this one. But it’s way too wide. I’ve never worn it - not even at home.

Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to wear wide ties... There are a lot of amazing ones out there!

Wide: 9,4 cm.


B.J. Ernst Multicolor Square End Tie

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Amazing colors on this one! Made by the square end expert Ernst.

Unfortunately, it’s far too wide, otherwise I would use it all the time.

6 cm is not narrow enough for a square end.


Beau Brummell Rich Maroon Bubble Tie

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A nice skinny tie by Beau Brummell in a rich, shiny, metallic maroon color with cool «bubbles» in various sizes and colors.

Skinny: 5,7 cm.


Bamberger's Silk Paisley Tie

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I’m a big fan of paisley patterns, and this one is really nice.

Unfortunately, the previous owner was a fan of this tie as well, so it’s been worn quite a lot. I have to be careful when I tie it, not to rip it even more around the knot area.

Sold by the now defunct department store chain Bamberger’s.

Narrow: 6 cm.


Buehler Bingham Ultra Skinny Square End

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A terrific, ultra skinny square end by Buehler-Bingham of Ogden, Utah.

Very short and very skinny: 3,5 cm.

Here’s a shot from the Buehler-Bingham Store, grabbed from this page.



Silcott Square End Tie

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A nice square end with a country & western feel. By Silcott/Taylor Ties, sold at Wagners Country Store in Westlake, Ohio.

Love the store labels on this one.

80% cotton, 20% silk.

Skinny: 4,2 cm.


Revl Ultra Skinny Red White and Blue Tie

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Wear In Good Health - how cool is that?! I love this tie for that label alone.

But even without the label, it’s a great ultra skinny tie. I’m guessing it’s from the eighties.

Perfect for wearing on the Norwegian independence day: May 17th.

Ultra skinny: 4,5 cm.


Black And Red Fifties Symetric Motif Tie

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This is a really beautiful tie, with a lovely, symmetric pattern.

With look great on a hip fifties rockabilly dude. Which I am not. Still like to wear it, though.

Narrow: 6,2 cm.


Olive Green Zig Zag Tie

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I really like interesting geometric patterns, and this zig zag tie is really striking.

The colors are a bit dull, though.

No labels.

Narrowish: 6,4 cm.


Jac-Lin Striped Skinny Tie

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A discrete but nice striped skinny silk tie, from Jac-Lin, Chicago.

Fifties, I guess. Could be sixties as well. Who knows.

Skinny: 5 cm.


Christian Dior Turquoise Op-Art Tie

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I love this one! Fabulous op-art design, this has to be an eighties gem.

Christian Dior, baby!

A bit wide, but I forgive it - and Christian Dior. 7 cm.


Bright Red Skinny Tie with Black Motif

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This one’s REALLY red. Because of the bright color it doesn’t get much wear, even though I really like the black swirly motif as well as the leather like fabric.

No label.

Skinny: 4,8 cm.


Oleg Cassini Silver and Grey Striped Silk Tie

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A very nice silk tie by Oleg Cassini, with a cool graphic, striped pattern. That black end really does it.

Love the store label as well.

A bit on the wide side: 6,7 cm.


Fred Segal Black and Gold Paisley Tie

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A very cool paisley tie by Fred Segal. But the shiny, golden pattern is very dark, and only visible in bright light.

I'm guessing it's from the fifties.

Skinny: 5,6 cm.


Burgundy Red with Black and Silver Squares

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A nice geometric pattern on this one. No label.

Narrow: 6,2 cm.


Count Doré Blue and Green Silk Skinny Tie

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A discreet, diagonal striped silk tie with a nice color combination.

Skinny: 6 cm.


Wembley Blue Geometric Skinny Tie

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A nice, authentic early sixties skinny tie by Wembley.

Would fit perfectly in Mad Men.

Skinny: 5,4 cm.


Jordache Red and Black Check Skinny Tie

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Jordache - my favorite brand! All the Jordache ties I’ve been fortunate enough to find are on my favorites list.

I use this all the time! It’s so fresh and cool and funky and hot!

Perfectly skinny as well: 4,8 cm.


Stringbeans Graphic Floral Tie

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I love this. To me it looks like a sixties tie, but the label looks more like it’s from the eighties.

Anyways. Wonderful tie.

A bit on the wide side: 6,4 cm.


Unknown Brand Grey Op Art Fifties Skinny Tie

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Grey ties are a bit dull. So is this, even though the fabric is really nice and shiny, and the op-art styling is kind of interesting.

Silk or synthetic? Sometimes it’s really hard to tell...

Skinny. 5 cm.


Tie Rak Striped Burgundy Ultra Skinny Tie

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Ultra skinny, with a traditional striped design.

When I got it (it appeared to be never worn) it had a label reading "The Tie Rak Custom Made". Yes, that's not a typo. It really said Tie Rak, not Tie Rack.

Ultra skinny: 3,3 cm.